4-2-2024 Update Message:
Since this book was published a lot of things has taken place in our world. Not all bad, however, not all good either. If you keep up with the 'fake' news accounts you will certainly be convinced all is well on Planet Earth! Not So! We invite you to read the Bible, ask questions, seek the Lord with all you heart! Our Time is Much Shorter! The "signs" are right in our faces now. Example: Covid-19 ... Even four years later - You're still living it! Some people want another lockdowns, want to close stores, Churches, and get Martial Law in towns and cities. Ignoring these signs... I'm not ignoring them! I will COUNT on the Lord to save us, His children from what is coming!
The Rapture is a REAL Event and it is GOING to happen. Get ready... the LORD is coming Soon! We truly believe this! We pray you and your family does too...
Folks: We are not concerned if you buy our book or not... we are concerned with the question: Is your heart and soul right with God. The Message is clear... please heed it now!
What will you do ... Not... If but When...
Cars will crash on the roads?
Airplanes will fall from the sky?
People will disappear in front of you?
How will you survive? If your not killed!
Where will you go? If your not killed!
Who will you turn to? If your not killed!
"You're only one heartbeat
from Eternity"...
Jonathan Cahn, Author
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
“For the Lord himself shall (open the heavens) descend from Heaven with a short, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first.”
“Then we that are alive and are still on the Earth shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
This is YOUR handbook to tell you how to be SAVED and not spend eternity in HELL. It will be your choice to ask Jesus into your heart NOW or you take the chance that you'll still be alive after the RAPTURE!
Choose wisely!
For more information this handbook is available at:
THE RAPTURE: Final EMERGENCY Handbook by: The Emergency Prayer Team
MaggieB. &Tarina Lovegrove (2016)