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Summer Time Poetry - 2021

Gon' A-Fishing!

Author By: Tarina Lovegrove, Feature Writer


When I was a little girl

Dad would take us fishin’ at the lake

We had so many wonderful times

each morning we would wake

First things first he’d make his coffee

And then we’d gather around the firepit

We’d cook a little breakfast

and take a moment just to sit

We’d listen to his stories

of times long ago

they really were intriguing

and I loved them so

But do not get too comfortable

the fish like the early bait

they too are wanting breakfast

we don’t want to make them wait

So we’d grab our worms and fishin’ rods

find our favorite spot

cast all our cares away

like good ol’ daddy taught

Most of the day would be solemn

though we often made the wish

that our poles would jerk toward the water

and we’d catch ourselves some fish

Dad often hooked the catfish

My sisters and I would find the perch

We’d have to be awfully quiet

like Sunday morning while at church

By noon time we would get a little rowdy

it’d be time for a little swim

We’d play until the sun went down

when light would be getting dim

For dinner we would cook our catch

and have a little salad

the best part would be up next

when dad would sing to us a ballad

He’d grab his pick and guitar

sing us a joyful tune

We’d smile and sing along

under the stars and moon

I fondly recall the good ol’ days

I hope you had them too

Memories are so precious

this we know is true

My daddy is in Heaven now

perhaps still perched beside a lake

Oh how I miss him so

my heart just tends to ache

So share good times with family

or you may regret that you had

You’ll never know the final day

you’ll get to spend with your dear dad!

Love You, Dad!


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