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Choose Your Morning! By: Tarina L. 2021

Here’s two different scenarios.

Tell me which one you think God would prefer.

Take 1: Good Morning, Grumpy

The landscapers arrive at your house at the early morning hour of 6:45 a.m. You awake to the sound of leaf blowers cleaning the front yard. This was not how you wanted to start your morning. You put your pillow over your head as a few bad words graze through your mind.

Or, suddenly, (if you still live at home) your mother pops open the door to wish you a good morning. You’re frustrated beyond your wits end because first it was the landscapers, now this. What a great way to start your day… Not! You ask your mother why she’s interrupting you now when you only have five minutes left on your snooze. She says, “Okay, then” and departs the room.

Take 2: Good Morning, Sunshine

The landscapers arrive at your house at the early morning hour of 6:45 a.m. You awake to the sound of leaf blowers cleaning the front yard. This was not how you wanted to start your morning. You put the pillow over your head and snooze your alarm. Suddenly, your mother pops open the door to wish you a good morning. You thought you had five more minutes of sleep left, but it seems that is not the case this morning.

“Morning Mom”, you say as you arise from your slumber. Mom comes in your room and sits on the side of your bed. “Hi Babe, how are you doing this morning”, she says. “Well”, you reply, “I could have used a few more minutes sleep but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen today. But itsn't it a beautiful Springtime Day, Mom. What's for breakfast?”

Your mom smiles at your child, shrugs her shoulders and tells you to come to the kitchen table in 15 minutes, to share in conversation and a warm cup of chocolate with her. It’s great to have a mom who cares so much, and you cherish these little morning chats even though you would have liked to stay in bed just a little while longer. It’s time to rise and shine!

Take 1 is the scenario where you grumble at your mother and win a five more minutes of rest.

Take 2 is the scenario where you awake a few minutes early and carve out a moment of your day to spend with someone who loves you very much. It’s all about perspective.

Do you wa

nt to wake up as Good Morning Grumpy or would you prefer to wake up as Good Morning Sunshine?

Furthermore, how would God want you to start your day? Small opportunities like this arise throughout our entire day, every day. How we choose to react to these opportunities can change our outlook and our futures. Hot or cold? Positive or negative? We get to choose.

As a mom who has been there, I would like to encourage the Take 2 Option. Be the “smile” that can brighten the day for both you and your mom. You’ll cherish these memories later, I promise.

Blessings to All!


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