Hometown Christian Magazine - May Issue
Author: Unknown
Butterfly hover
Near my mother
Tell her that I dearly love her!
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A Mother's Day Celebration Tribute
God gave woman a very special assignment on earth… the role of mother. Now this role is not for every woman. Yet, those who choose it are blessed beyond measure in the most bittersweet way.
I say bitter because for nine months you are nurturing another body within your own, followed by the most intense physical pain you will ever have in your life… labor.
Yet ironically, I don’t think what this life-altering event does to your body is the toughest part. In fact, I believe it is the next two decades of emotional angst, worry, pain, anxiety, exhaustion and heartache that prove to be so much harder. Childbirth is just a warning signal for that which is yet to come.
For the next eighteen years and beyond your stretch marks and thunder thighs, it is your duty to see this child is clothed, fed, held, coddled, sleeps the appropriate amount of time, is educated, healthy, bathed, clean, participates in extracurricular activities, doesn’t misbehave, smoke, drink, have sex or do drugs (which is an enormous feat by any means) and is happy, safe, secure, nurtured, manicured, emotionally vibrant, ready for the world and most of all, loved.
And if that isn’t a tall order, most of us are doing this while raising other children and/or managing careers, households and taking care of our mates.
Some may wonder why in the world would someone want to go through all of that. And for nearly 20 years… are you crazy??!
For those who have not walked in these shoes, I can tell you every diaper change, late night bottle feeding, every call from the school nurse, outrageous homework assignment, daycare bill, sporting event and gray hair is all worth it.
When you look down into the eyes of your child and see the innocence, sincerity, caring, helpless, fun, gorgeous smile staring back at you, the strenuous effort it takes to raise them pales in comparison. Every laugh, giggle and snicker seems to minimize the exhaustion, worry and financial burden woe.
Not only this, but you have been given the role of mom not only for the first eighteen years, but also for a lifetime. When they hurt, you cry. When they fall, you help pick them up. When they call you in the middle of the night, you listen and console. When they race, you cheerlead. And when they win, you celebrate more than anyone they know.
The role of motherhood is the most profound, terrific, amazing, intense role you can have. That is… until you become a grandmother. Now the game really gets interesting.
The child you birthed so many years ago has now just become parents themselves. Although it seems like only yesterday, with all the bumps and bruises they and you have incurred in their lifetime. Just when you thought life, as a mother could not get any grander, you are blessed with immense joy once again.
This time, you are much smarter than the first few times. Your knowledge base has increased exponentially. You now know what to expect and when to expect it… on the inside. Your outside however, may be a little challenged to keep up as age may have taken a little toll on your body.
For me, the moment in which my granddaughter
was born was doubly astounding. Not only did I have the phenomenal experience of watching the wondrous gift of life take place again but also the memories and heartfelt moments from giving birth to my own daughters came rushing back to my memory. I’ll never forget the very first time I was able to hold each of them… my daughters and granddaughter alike.
Funny, when you have your first child, you can’t possibly fathom how you can love another child as much as your first… until you have another. Suddenly, your internal well of love just duplicates itself. A gorgeous grandchild who will work really hard to exhaust you while simultaneously keeping that fountain of youth alive in your heart. And as you have these children and grandchildren, you remember the real torture you put your own mother through and ironically you realize, you were not the smartest one after all… it was Mom.
So today, it is my distinct pleasure to thank mothers and grandmothers, for the magnificent role they play in our world. You are God’s vessels; teachers and protectors for the most treasured gifts our world could possibly ever receive… our children. Thank you for being parents. Thank you for being incredible role models. Thank you for beingforever Mom. Happy Mother’s Day!