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TSCM ~ May Issue 2017

Honoring our Moms May 14th

Honoring the heroes in our lives should be a naturally recurring event. However, it’s also special to make a dedication every May to those who make enormous sacrifices for us each and every day of their lives.

Coincidentally, this month’s honor is being bestowed upon two very different, yet like, honorees this month… our mothers on Mother’s Day and our Veterans on Memorial Day.

We begin this story with mothers. When many people think of the word labor, they think of the forty weeks a child is carried in the womb. I rather, recognize the term labor, as a lifelong commitment. It’s a labor of love of course, but labor just the same.

Just think about it! Think about the diaper changing, bottle-feeding, late nights, and early morning routes. Think about the lessons we teach, the meals we cook, not to mention the loads of laundry a mother will complete in her lifetime for her children.

Think of getting your child ready for school, tying shoes, packing lunches and helping with homework and science projects. Think of dance class, soccer practice, baton twirling lessons, karate classes and oh my, the girl scout cookies. As your child grows so does the extension of your pocketbook.

You pay for this toy, that action figure, train rides, carnival rides, pizza parties, slumber parties, barrettes, hair products, the latest shoes, clothes, electronics, cell phones and gadgets, the list goes on and on. You do all of this for eighteen years of their lives and finally they reach adulthood… but it’s not over.

The relationship transforms, but mothering and teaching continues. It’s our job to be the role models for our children. As our children mature, their needs change but we still can offer advice, guidance and wisdom, as they grow older.

Someday, when they have their children, they’ll then look to you for advice on how to be a great parent. If that magical day approaches, your life is then forever changed with a precious grandchild and the lessons you’ve taught your children will serve as the foundation they have to raise their own children. Life is such a beautiful thing.

Often times we take for granted all the love, encouragement and support a mother provides to us in our lifetime. She truly is the first and foremost hero we will ever know.

I was about 35 years old before I was able to thoroughly grasp the enormous sacrifices my mother made for my siblings and I. Please don’t let it take you that long to recognize and appreciate the tremendous treasure that is the incredible gift of mom.

Show her the love and respect a true hero deserves, for she is one in a million – she’s your mother.


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